December 22, 2023

Maths Christmas Mock Preparation Course

Our Maths Mock Preparation Courses for Year 13 students offer a comprehensive two-day program designed to set you on the path to success in your upcoming January mock exams. The courses are meticulously crafted to ensure you not only revise key content likely to appear in your exams but also enhance your exam technique, providing you with the skills and mindset needed to excel.

The courses begin with a thorough review of essential topics, guiding you through key content that is expected to be covered in your exams. This ensures that you have a solid understanding of the material that will be tested, allowing you to approach your mock exams with confidence.

A significant focus of the courses is on enhancing your exam technique. Our experienced tutors, well-versed in the intricacies of exam assessments, will teach you to think strategically, akin to an examiner. You’ll gain insights into assessment objectives and learn effective strategies to consistently achieve top marks. This emphasis on exam technique is crucial for performing well under exam conditions.

One distinct advantage of our courses is the opportunity for early revision. Starting your preparation early provides the advantage of addressing any weaknesses identified during the course. This early start, coupled with the Christmas holidays, gives you ample time to consolidate the skills and knowledge acquired, ensuring you’re well-prepared when you return to school.

Course Content

About the instructor

4.00 (18 ratings)

74 Courses

8 students

Free access this course
Lectures: 0
Students: Max 3
Level: Intermediate
Language: English


  • Classes are from 9.30am to 4.30pm. Registration starts from 9.15am.
  • There will be a 1 hour lunch break and a couple of 10 minute breaks in the morning and afternoon.


  • Year 13 students
  • Students looking to improve exam technique in preparation for their January mock exams
  • If you need help deciding if you will benefit from this course you can contact us. Alternatively, you may prefer to book 1-2-1 tuition instead.